This Lit Tip installment is brought to you by the letter "D" as in, "data." Yep, I said it...that four letter word that conjures up images of spreadsheets, colored graphs, 0's and 1's, quintiles, quartiles, and percentages (or is it percentiles?).
I contend that we can tame the data beast.
Rather than wrestling with common assessments in the form of unit tests or even large quizzes, let's shift our thinking to common formativeassessments. In your PLCs, agree on a common exit slip question (or two). Create an item that will give you the best insight into student progress toward a target or standard. Sort the exit slips into "Got it," "Kinda got it," and "Nowhere close" piles.
BAM! That's data!
Remember the purposes of data and formative assessments are to keep an eye on how your students are progressing rather than waiting for a unit test.
Take your results to your next PLC meeting and compare with your team. Keep it manageable, informative, and efficient.
Next week.."Data, data everywhere, but what do we do with it now???"
Word of the week: simplify
I contend that we can tame the data beast.
Rather than wrestling with common assessments in the form of unit tests or even large quizzes, let's shift our thinking to common formativeassessments. In your PLCs, agree on a common exit slip question (or two). Create an item that will give you the best insight into student progress toward a target or standard. Sort the exit slips into "Got it," "Kinda got it," and "Nowhere close" piles.
BAM! That's data!
Remember the purposes of data and formative assessments are to keep an eye on how your students are progressing rather than waiting for a unit test.
Take your results to your next PLC meeting and compare with your team. Keep it manageable, informative, and efficient.
Next week.."Data, data everywhere, but what do we do with it now???"
Word of the week: simplify