BLT Summer Retreat 2014!
If we don't ask, 'What if?,' then we'll have to settle for 'what is.'
Section 1: Instructional Framework
Our Targets: We will...
- define framework as it pertains to instruction.
- identify ways we use frameworks already in our classrooms.
- analyze the new BCS Instructional Framework.
The 4 A's Protocol (revised):
As you read your piece of this series, make notes of anything that falls in the following categories:
A - Ah ha! Anything that "clicked" for you or impressed you?
A -Aspire - anything that you aspire to incorporate, use, or change?
A - Ask - What questions does this raise for you?
A - Advocate - What would you advocate that we incorporate or adopt in our team or school?
As you read your piece of this series, make notes of anything that falls in the following categories:
A - Ah ha! Anything that "clicked" for you or impressed you?
A -Aspire - anything that you aspire to incorporate, use, or change?
A - Ask - What questions does this raise for you?
A - Advocate - What would you advocate that we incorporate or adopt in our team or school?
Literacy Standards
Our Targets: We will...
- use a 4 step deconstruction guide to derive learning targets from the Common Core Literacy Standards.
- develop a working document resource of learning targets and resources.
- plan ways to lead others to incorporate the Literacy Standards into their instruction.
Team Google Doc: Literacy Learning Targets
Brain Break!!!
SAMR Model for Technology Integration
“If we teach today the way we were taught yesterday we aren’t preparing students for today or tomorrow.”
—The Fred Deutsch Education Blog |
“We need to prepare students for THEIR future not OUR past.”
— Ian Jukes, Educator and Futuris |
Brain Break #2!!
Teacher Leaders are SuperHeroes!
The Power of Teacher Leadership
Using one of the online tools above, create your Teacher Leader Superhero. Import pics and label the following features of your hero:
- What is your hero's super power(s)?
- What is your hero's magic tool or weapon?
- Who is your hero's sidekick?
- What is your hero's "Kryptonite?"
"Seven Verbs of Teacher Leaders"
Rank the seven verbs in order by your strengths.
Rank the seven verbs in order by your strengths.
So What's our Plan??
Evidence...muah ha ha!!
Notice our newest addition to the Lit Team - we call her "She who makes small noise but has commanding presence."
Notice our newest addition to the Lit Team - we call her "She who makes small noise but has commanding presence."